Saturday, April 25, 2009


Patanjali’s second sutra in the Samadhi Pada is, “YOGA’S CITTA VRTTI NIRODHAH.” This literally translates into, ‘The restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff is Yoga.’ Yoga is the union with the divine or supreme element(s) of consciousness. In order for us to move closer to this goal of Yoga, we must continually attempt to ‘let go’ of our attachments. We start to let go of these attachments by restraining (or controlling) the mind and it’s desires. Patanjali deems this sutra of the most importance because the rest of the sutras are literally instructions as to how to make steps towards ridding our mind of desires and eventually restraining and controlling the mind stuff. Patanjali attempts to reinforce his point in the fifteenth sutra stating, “DRSTANUSRAVIKA VISAYA VITRSNASYA VASIKARA SAMJNA VAIRAGYAM.” The translation here is ‘The consciousness of self-mastery in one who is free from craving from objects seen or heard about is non-attachment.’ We must be aware of the types of media and material things that we invite into our lives. These things have the potential to act adversely towards our movement in the direction of the ultimate union with the divine consciousness (the goal of Yoga). The more we attach ourselves to ‘things,’ the harder it is going to be to free our mind of desires and slow down our ‘thoughts per second’. If we all want to become Jivanmukta, we have to disable our instinct to want and crave things. Anxiety is created in our minds and hearts when we hear of disturbing news or engage our energy in fear-inducing media. When the mind is free from cravings and desires, there is Nityananda (eternal bliss). Every desire has the potential to keep you in bondage; even the desire for ultimate liberation is a form of bondage in and of itself. Mental slavery is worse than physical slavery. If we are mentally bound to any particular ‘thing’ or ‘idea’ (or personage) in this material world of maya (illusion), we cannot have liberation. Therefore, our minds will not be able to have Yoga.

In order for us to experience this union with the divine, we must be able to not only purify the mind of the samskaras (impressions), but we also must be able to deal with the pains that accompany these process of Sodhana. In the Sadhana Pada—focusing on the second stura—Patanjali states, “TAPAH SVADHYAYESVARA PRANIDHANANI KRIYA YOGAH.” This translates as, ‘Accepting pain as help for purification, study of spiritual books, and surrender to the Supreme Being constitute Yoga in practice.’ We must look at the pains in our life as the burning off the old impressions on our unconscious mind. In order to foster the mind and move the entire Self towards the union with the divine, we must practice ridding the body, mind and the consciousness of these pains. This is the process of purification. In today’s Western society, it is very hard for people to break away from the attachments to material things that have helped to proliferate the society itself (technology and media for example). Because we have formed attachments in our lives, we have broken our original union with the divine. We have been “banished from the garden of Eden” (utopian paradise) and we have lost the connection with the source. The work that is needed to move back towards this union can only happen when we begin to first purify our samskaras. This will only happen when there is a devotional, quotidian practice that has been established through experience (acquiring external wisdom and applying it to the innate, internal wisdom) and accepting the pains and the purification of them. We must replace the old impressions with new ones by digesting the knowledge of spiritual books (intended for your understading) and surrendering all the fruits of our actions to the divine deep within us. This practice of burning the old impressions, accepting the purification and replacing the ‘old fruits’ with new ones is the devotional practice we need in order to transcend the mind-stuff and move towards the union with the divine; this is what is needed in order to experience Yoga.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Please watch with an open mind...
Please post all your thoughts on these videos.

Guruji Swami Shree Yogi Satyam, Kriyayoga Master & Scientist, is founder and president of Kriyayoga Research Institute . Under the guidance of His Gurus - Shree Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasayaji and Swami Shree Yukteshwarji, Guruji has been teaching the ancient and ever-new Kriyayoga Science. He graduated in biological sciences then entered into medical school. Within two years of his medical training, he realized the truth that Kriyayoga is the highest medical science. It is able to solve not only illness and sickness of body and mind, but makes a person perfect to achieve success in all walks of life and at the end brings the realization that each and every creation of The Cosmos is immortal, potentially vast and infinite. Now, the life mission of Guruji is to spread Kriyayoga Meditation in all homes of the world.

He Speaks About the Garden of Eden Here. Very interesting stuff.

Thanks so much!