Thursday, September 23, 2010


Miss Nandi, a beautiful creature of life, is truly a mother of Rishikesh. She takes care of everyone. She provides the food, the nourishment and the milk for all of her children. Not only does she care for the people, but she also maintains the land.

She is very much herself everyday of her life. She never tries to "be" a particular way for anyone nor does she try to live a certain lifestyle so that others will look at her in a certain light. Miss Nandi truly understands what it means to live confidently and fearlessly.

One day, Miss Nandi took a walk down to the Holy River Ganga for her afternoon bath and purification. As she began her bath, the river water started to increase to a warmer temperature. She just attributed it to the sun getter hotter; however little did she know that something else was brewing...

Out of nowhere, an entity started rise out of the water that was, also, made of the water. This entity had a very androgynous feel to it. Though it was made of the river water, Miss Nandi felt as if she saw all of the beautiful features of this being clearly. It had beautiful long flowing hair of a mother goddess, robustly strong legs akin to that of a warrior, a healthy and voluptuous bosom, as well as deeply seductive eyes. The being's lips were so very luscious; the sight of them were mystifying. And the more you looked at them, the more you were enchanted. To add to that, there were humming sounds that came out of its mouth that were very melodious. The vibrations being emanated put ripples all throughout the powerful flowing Ganga. It was defintiely the sound of creation from the beginning, just like the word. Miss Nandi was in a great state of awe...

She felt the need to speak to the being. Miss Nandi asked the being, "Why have you come before me and graced me with your empowering presence?" The being responded, "I need you to sacrifice your body so that some people can eat." Miss Nandi was taken aback and appauled. Miss Nandi responded, "O, great and magnificent being, I see you as an incarnation of God before me. If I sacrifice my body so that people can eat, I will no longer be able to praise you in the way that I do now."
Miss Nandi was very confused and also in a state of fear; for she wanted to do the work of God, but she was attached to her life as a caregiver and devotee of God and all its manifestations within the world.

The being responded, "O, Nandi, Empress of the devotees, you have always been with me. As I have always been with you. Your body has adequately served me and my people all the days of your life. Free yourself from this body while serving me and you will go on to the heavens and be completely liberated from the binds of re-birth."

Miss Nandi thought about this long and hard. She decided that she wanted to fulfill her final duties to God. "O, Mighty Being of the Ganga, I accept your request. Please use me. Help me abandon this body so that I may live on forever within you as you have lived within me." She continued. "However, I must say that I have one remaining request."

The being asked what it was. Miss Nandi replied, "I've always wanted to have sex with this beautiful creature I've always known to be very attractive to me. He turns me on!"

The androgynous being agreed. Miss Nandi then asked, "Will you join us?"

To which the God-like being responded, "Been there, done that! For it is your turn to do what you like. It is your turn to go towards that which you have avoided for years. It is your turn, Miss Nandi, to attain all that you think you want before you merge with me. For, you cannot be One with Me if you have even one remaining attachment to the physical world."

Miss Nandi agreed. And so, she fulfilled her final desire. As it turned out, she loved the sex with the male being of the physical world so much, she decided to stay on the Earthly planes......

The moment you go towards your desires, that is the moment you merge and become one with an aspect of you.

And That is the moment you better understand yourself...


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


One day, this man had his rib ripped out of his chest. The person that did this man great "harm" used this rib to replicate this man's very being. This creative scientist of sorts took the rib to a lab, replicated the DNA and cloned the man by creating a woman. The woman embodied everything that this man was not. Nevertheless, she was the man as much as the man was her...

One day, they met. The meeting was love at first site. The played in the park together. Their levels of intimacy exceeded all that has been categorized in our world: their minds were in a continual state of bliss while in each others arms. Their Love went beyond conditons...They were two, Whole hearts belonging to one vein...

As time would pass, she became enchanted with the things around her. She started to notice that other things existed in their world. She became more and more curious about these things and what the purpose of these things were in her life: her energy fueled these things and their very existence. She introduced some of these concepts to the man. He also became curious as she was; and together they started to rattle their brains about things that had no immediate relevence with their original existence. As one can imagine, it only got worse.

The more facinated they became of all these things outside of themselves, the less they saw each other in that beautiful light. For they had other things and objects to be infatuated with; after all their energy was now infused in the very existence of all things. Eventually, the man became more facinated with the objects and things, so much that he lost sight of not only who he was, but also who the woman was and the role she played in his life. She, respectively, started to share this experience. Their energy started to deplete for each other and the love-attraction waned...

The objects and things they both were infatuated with, started to experience infatuation with other objects and things: and then there was more and more and more of this infatuation growing across the world. This became so extreme, that the world was filled with of objects and things infatuated with every other object and thing; so much that every thing lost sight of itself and why it was existing...

If only the man and the woman had held onto the love, bliss and togetherness. If only the man and the woman used these other objects and things to better understand themselves and their existences. If only the man and the woman realized that they created the existences around them. If only the woman realized that she came out of that which belonged to the man. If only the man realized that he existed as he did because of the nature of the woman which was originally a part of him.

If only they both realized that they were God and Goddess that fueled each other's power, their open eyes would have closed and re-opened in OneNess....
