Thursday, January 15, 2009

Does the Bible Speak About The 3rd Eye?

According to the book of Matthew 6:22-23 (of the New Testament), Jesus states:

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"

I think it is very interesting that Jesus talks about the eye of the body being "single." The sensory perception of light plays a central role in spirituality and the presence of light as opposed to its absence (darkness) is a common Western metaphor of good and evil, knowledge and ignorance, and similar concepts. Many Buddhist and Hindus believe that the third eye is strongly associated with a "showering light" that comes into the inner space. With that said, the light of the third eye is said to be used for either good or evil once it is opened (or single). And according to the chapter of Matthew, the darkness will be very great!

I immediately think about Adolf Hitler. It is said that Hitler was an enlightened being. He was a practicing yogi at that time and was hell bent on harnessing power and holding a great hegemony over humankind; and for a short while he was successful! Was Hitler the type of darkness that Jesus spoke about? Was his third eye "wide open" to the "light of darkness" that Jesus spoke of?

I think we as humans are all able to harness this power--on whatever level we choose to--once the "single eye" is filled with light! Jesus knew this because he too (if he indeed walked the earth) was "filled with light." And if Jesus did not walk the earth, the scribes of this age did truly understand this .

What other interpretations could there be for these words of this great prophet?


  1. Interesting thought process. The single eye refers to single-mindedness; as opposed to the double-minded" - "For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord"

    The concept of the "third-eye" stems from other cultures: wiccan, buddhist, hindu etc.

    Much of Jesus' teachings were heard for the first time ever so his reference to the single eye does not appear to be parallel with the idea of other cultures.

    1. You'll never be fully awake smh, you're mind is programmed buddy. No its NOT talking about being double minded, it means exactly what the hell it says. Doesn't say single minded it says single eye. If you have no experience in which you speak of, don't speak on it. And FYI, wiccan and paganism was more real than yalls stupid Christianity. Have a blessed day.

  2. I find it fascinating how God has led you to think of this subject. I have been painting third eye's in my artwork and I have come to realise that everthying that Satan has stolen from God is always counterfiet to the real. Therefore there is a third eye in our soul body, it can either be given over to God or to satan. Just because others have given over thiers to satan does not mean that we - children of The Light have to shun the use of the third eye. After all, God made all things well and for the good of Mankind --only when we are united with Jesus can we make a difference in this world. The third eye is a portal to the heavenly places and to show forth a creative God and not a proud self righteous judging god. We need to show Gods glory in us through our bodies and consecrate our third eye to Him then we will start to see things from His perspective.

    Please give me your comments on this.
    Email me at

    Looking forward to hearing from you.
    I 'm also at

    God Bless You.

    1. Back all of that with Scripture......

    2. And they'll know we are Christians by our bumper stickers .

  3. God gave us his spirit. I do not think we have to open our selves up. God made us in his image. If God does not want us to touch that part of us then we should not. God is more God is greaer than us. I think great caution should be taken on opening the third eye.

  4. well it is just like anything else in the universe that can be good or evil depending on how you use it... words can heal or destruct , a pencil could be used to write a poem or shove in somones eye... i think alot of christians fear meditation and opening the third eye because of superstition ( an excessive fear )... god gave us chakras and meditation for a reason it is a tool for some people and it brings them more understanding and happiness... there is alot that people do that christians see as wrong because they have the wrong perception of what exactly god does see as wrong... just becasue it doesnt fit into your cookie cutter religion doesnt mean it is wrong... if everything that god created was good than it is but its what you do with his creations that make it evil. Opening the third eye only helps people let in more love and light ... though it also may open you to forces unseen so just use this gift carefully and pray for god to guide you. Also new testament = god's word... everything else = man's word

  5. i think christianity today, is very far from what it used to be and what it should be, we've gotten to lost in the fears of everything we dont understand. if we dont understand it instead of trying to we just shun it and call it evil. I think this is very bad because we've clearly lost foucus on whats true and real about God. The Third Eye could very well be somthing that we as christians should be using. hmmm lets put it like this. in star wars there is the force, its an energy that is in, around, and gives life to all. This energy can be taped into and used for Good or Evil, but just because it can be used for evil dose that mean they shouldnt use it? or just not use it for evil, same could be said here lets use everyting we have for the glory of God

  6. Rose said...

    God gave us his spirit. I do not think we have to open our selves up. God made us in his image. If God does not want us to touch that part of us then we should not. God is more God is greaer than us. I think great caution should be taken on opening the third eye.

    God has given no commandments about not activating our third eye.

    Instead, the opposite:"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"

    1. It amazes me how people don't get the meaning of this verse . Single also means clear in BIBLICAL TEXT. If u continue reading the rest of this verse u will see that it says to not worship other things such as GOD and money. Or GOD and power etc etc

  7. if your eye is single, your third eye is active.

  8. could be talking about pineal gland

  9. or it could just be referring to our heart and not the eye shouldn't be taken literally, which is what the whole passage was referring to

    thought i must say i find this article interesting how you can take the context of the bible it literally it interesting !!!!

    1. The word "single" that we see in "when thine eyes become single" comes from the Greek word "haplos" or "halpous" which literally means simple, focused, or single as to purpose. What this means is not literally "when your eyes become single" but it means when your "eyes" are focused onto one thing, and not all around. When you are focused on God and not focused on other things such as money, sex, drugs, and other sinful things you will be filled with Light, which is God.

    2. It has nothing to do with context. it has to do with understanding veiled references. Yeshua was unable to speak openly while in Jerusalem and surrounding g areas. He was also an essene who were seen as outsiders and not liked by the Hebrews in power OR the Romans.

    3. Dynamus power you just hit the point and for advise substitude the word light with power (strangth to do somthing powerfull)

  10. Jesus Christ was indeed a prophet, but more so than just that. He claimed to be the Son of God, our Messiah, and backed this claim up by raising from the dead 3 days after his crucifixion! He was God in the flesh! He came to this earth to restore the relationship between each individual and God. We are in a fallen state, but because of his perfect sacrifice for our sin, we can now freely come to God the Father if we accept Him for what He claimed to be - Lord and Savior!

    John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever shall believe in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life.

    1. yeshua was a yogi and a prophet as well as an essene who spent most of his life studying with yogis in India . much of his teaching is a direct reflection of his knowledge obtained from other yogis and other practioners of various sciences including astronomy and numerology . he was rejected by the Hebrew powers that be due to his association with the essenes. There is always more than one understanding in history. Peace to you.

  11. I will share my experience. While in prayer, sitting at the dining room table listening to soft music, a light suddenly came down around me. It was so sudden that I inhaled my saliva and choked (tmi). That's how quick. It was overwhelming love wrapping around me and I just sobbed for the love and forgiveness given. It was so pure and I knew at that point I had been cleansed. Forgiven of all my sins. Three days later while in prayer I started seeing shapes behind my eyelids, three shadowy figures in cloaks/robes. It was so strong that when I opened my eyes, they were still there. Thought I was going to have a panic attack and started saying "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will not fear evil... over and over and after 5mins or so it stopped and I asked God if I could just sleep peacefully that night and I did. The next day while taking a bath and sitting back to pray, a vibration went off inside my head. It didn't scare me. It was short and just left me slightly confused!!! That night as I went into prayer once again I could see light behind my lids so I watched and it became a tunnel that turns and goes in and out, moving and as it did this the light/or end of tunnel would come closer and get wider and be a purple hue. I won't go further with this, It was in this tunnel that I was told "you have to face the Cross of Discernment". It was in this tunnel that I met Our Lord Jesus, who told me "I am the River of Life". It was from this tunnel that I know his voice, where He leads me to scripture, where He told me "Study that you know me","Leviticus","Dueteronomy".... where I learned of the bride. Everything He has shown me has come to pass. Matthew 6:22-23 Literal. Blind leading the blind? The Single Eye is a Gift, and a way to be directed by Him. Everything here can be used for good or bad, that is our free will. Fear and dogma without total understanding stunts your ability to truly find God. You could not speak of this in church it would be heresy. Fear holds more loyalty than faith. If you truely have faith in God then you would know He will not forsake you.

    1. The word "single" that we see in "when thine eyes become single" comes from the Greek word "haplos" or "halpous" which literally means simple, focused, or single as to purpose. What this means is not literally "when your eyes become single" but it means when your "eyes" are focused onto one thing, and not all around. When you are focused on God and not focused on other things such as money, sex, drugs, and other sinful things you will be filled with Light, which is God.

    2. Why does it have to be the one or the other and not BOTH!
      Meaning, that the Lord meant the 3rd Eye with it and later with "single" the good and bad!

      And why do you always think that god is just the good and satan the bad?

      God created satan and this means that life is about doing good and bad things to learn to make this world a better place, to evolve!

      Neither good or bad is an evil thing! It is normal being both and the more we bounce between those 2, the more we come close to God!

  12. One more thing. Chakras no. They are not to be played with. Who are you praying to, opening the Chakras? The serpent,snake??? It was shown to me the base chakra is the number of man(the anti-christ). This is to be overcome. If you have studied them, then you realize what the base is. Scripture is literal. Dragon, serpent. We are to overcome our basic instincts our basic nature of survival of the fittest, fleshly desires, caveman attitude. to rise above selfishness and ruthlessness to become what Christ would have you be. Closer to Him. In these times we need to be as close as possible to Him for guidance. When you open your chakras many wonderful and magical things happen. But then God warns of this as well in scripture. Who was Simon Magus. Great magician who had people believing he was the great prophet. I had done this, so I can speak from experience here as well. That is when He gave me Psalm 23. He has great mercy for us sinners. And great patience.

  13. I am a Christian who did not know anything about the third eye until mine opened, apparently as a result of painting a Biblical scene on canvas. I only learned about the third eye after doing research online. Since I did not will this event to occur, and do not seek personal power or knowledge of future events, I do not think the third eye having been opened in this manner could be considered evil. I have had to live with the sight of strange things as a result of this event, but am not encouraging them or any sort of visions of that nature. It seems the third eye is just a natural thing we each possess, but it's up to us how we choose to live with it, if it should open.

    1. The word "single" that we see in "when thine eyes become single" comes from the Greek word "haplos" or "halpous" which literally means simple, focused, or single as to purpose. What this means is not literally "when your eyes become single" but it means when your "eyes" are focused onto one thing, and not all around. When you are focused on God and not focused on other things such as money, sex, drugs, and other sinful things you will be filled with Light, which is God.

  14. Continuing with my post made on December 9, 2011, to address the original question posed on this blog, it is likely Jesus Christ was not speaking about the third eye in that passage. Since Jesus often spoke in parables and symbolically, He was probably not referring to a physical eye but instead to a figurative eye. The interpretation offered by Yves I-Bing Cheng, MD, MA at is worth consideration: "... the Lord Jesus passes from the importance of having our heart in the right place in Matthew 6:21 to the importance of having an eye that is single in the following verse (v. 22). If you are going to see anything clearly in the spiritual life, you must focus totally upon God. Your eye must be single. And singleness of the eye and heart means that you set your attention upon God for the purpose of doing His will. This is a fundamental principle of spiritual vision."

    1. The word "single" that we see in "when thine eyes become single" comes from the Greek word "haplos" or "halpous" which literally means simple, focused, or single as to purpose. What this means is not literally "when your eyes become single" but it means when your "eyes" are focused onto one thing, and not all around. When you are focused on God and not focused on other things such as money, sex, drugs, and other sinful things you will be filled with Light, which is God.

    2. Why does it have to be the one or the other and not BOTH!
      Meaning, that the Lord meant the 3rd Eye with it and later with "single" the good and bad!

      And why do you always think that god is just the good and satan the bad?

      God created satan and this means that life is about doing good and bad things to learn to make this world a better place, to evolve!

      Neither good or bad is an evil thing! It is normal being both and the more we bounce between those 2, the more we come close to God!

  15. wait. So you make a whole article about what Jesus said about the third eye, but then question if he even existed. Hilarious.

  16. Humans are designed with a straight spine plus seven chakras neatly stacked on top of each other- from the base of our spine to the top of our head. Along with that, we have a large pineal gland (the third eye) and a big brain, giving us the grand opportunity to open and explore the third eye. Animals are bent over, on all fours, and the Kundalini can't really rise above the level of survival and procreation. Humans on the other hand have the opportunity to pull that Kundalini up the spine along the ida and the pingala into the third eye. It's a sensory organ that sees into higher realms of light not available to our every day five senses. Jesus said over and over to meditate and explore the Kingdom of God within. I think he is referring to being still, very still, and exploring the higher chakras. The third eye is the sixth of seven.

  17. Seriously is there anyone who actually knows the answer I'm done with these stupid opinions I just want to know all you people think your so helpful but ur not u can read every single comment and not have an answer I want answer not an opinion I feel like in today's day u can't even ask a priest because he gives an opinion I want a direct answer a yes its wrong or no its ok so everyone who has an opinion on the stop commenting cuz truth is ur opinion doesn't help especially wen there is a constant contradiction none of u ppl are helpful

    1. The word "single" that we see in "when thine eyes become single" comes from the Greek word "haplos" or "halpous" which literally means simple, focused, or single as to purpose. What this means is not literally "when your eyes become single" but it means when your "eyes" are focused onto one thing, and not all around. When you are focused on God and not focused on other things such as money, sex, drugs, and other sinful things you will be filled with Light, which is God.

  18. You're supposed to use your brain the pineal gland is part of that. You were created with one so use it. Make sure you put God first and are able to recognize His voice. Use it for His Glory only.
