Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Truth Will Reveal Itself To You

The truth about anything will reveal itself to you. In this universe, if something is real, you will feel it. If something is truth, you will believe it beyond a shadow of a doubt: and no one can steer you away from your opinion. It wouldn't even be worth arguing because you are so convicted that it is truth.

So you ask, where do we get this feeling from?

Our intuition, our gut, our Manipura Chakra, our core, our solar center...however you may refer to is very calm, relaxed, and free of tension when we think about something we know to be truth. There is no uneasiness or nervous feeling. There is just a strong, powerful feeling of confidence in this truth. You never question it and you don't have to.

"Is God Real?" "Should I buy that House?" "Should I marry that man?" "Am I really in Love?" "Can I trust my leader or guru?" "Am I making the right decision?" "Do I really love this job?"

If you ever have to ask yourself any questions akin to the aforementioned ones, there is no truth resonating within you regarding these things. These sorts of questions will never arise when you know that truth rests behind them. It will not even be a thought! It just IS! There is no doubt behind it. The power of intuition is very real. So when you are questioning yourself deep within, that feeling of doubt festering like a sore is because your inner space is telling you that TRUTH is up for debate.

The truth about anything cannot be sold on a "gold platter."

In your eyes, Truth is either real or questionable, but never both.

"If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things..."
~Rene Descartes

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