Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Television Ruining Minds, One at a Time

When you are laughing hysterically while watching a show, do you ever stop to think about how the content may be affecting your sub-conscious?

When you are watching a dramatic show, do you ever stop think why you 'break your neck' to rush home and watch the show?

Most of us don't consider these things. I didn't for a very long time. If something was funny, it was just plain FUNNY. If the show was a dramatic and suspenseful show about 'how cool criminal investigators' are, I was on the edge of my seat.

According USA Today, Each household has about 2.7 televisions; and the average American watches TV about 4.5 Hours a day. (http://www.usatoday.com/life/television/news/2006-09-21-homes-tv_x.htm)

This poll was taken back in 2006; so this could be about 3 televisions now and up to 5.5 hours per day. However, the questions remain: What are people watching? Is it enlightening? Is it inspirational? Does it make you want to be a better person? Does it make you feel better about your life? Do you "Love to Hate" certain characters on the show? Does it make us forget about our unsatisfying lives by drawing us into a fantasy land?

American Idol is one of the top rated shows on TV. It is fun, entertaining, nerve-racking, engaging, funny and good for giving us a good laugh: it touches on a lot of the human emotions.
However, I think that shows like this prevent us from looking truly looking deeply within ourselves. One of the many reason people love this show is because is shows how real people have the ability to become an "overnight celebrity sensation." For many of us, that is such a
relatable factor. However, as we dedicate time--every night--to watch this show, we take away time from learning about our true SELF. We are so busy analyzing, judging, criticizing, applauding and praising these entertainers that we are never really able to truly look within ourselves.

A great, modern day philosopher and cognitive scientist Ron McClamrock says that he 'excuses mankind for not looking within himself. Mankind's condition of "being-in-the-world" makes it impossible for him to understand himself by abstracting away from it(society) and examining it as if it were a detached experimental object of which he himself is not an integral part.'

We are so busy analyzing our society, our environment, our television shows, and everyone else that we forget (unconsciously) to incorporate our SELF. We analyze everything with our true SELF completely withdrawn. Then the question becomes, what happens to our true SELF? Does our society prevent us from acknowledging our SELF so much that we never really get to know our true SELF? What really happens to our true SELF? "Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore--And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over--like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load...Or does it explode?" (From Langston Hughes "A Dream Deferred")

Our true SELF becomes so far removed that we start to enjoy and laugh at people that make a fool of themselves on these shows ("I Love Money" "Flavor of Love" "American Idol"). Why are we making fun? Why are we laughing at our fellow man? Is it because we look at them and then look at our lives as "not as bad"? Does our EGO make us feel better about ourselves after watching these programs? Whatever the reason may be, it is preventing us from using the mind the way it was intended to use. Instead we use 10% of our brain to indulge is senseless programming in order to humor ourselves. And the sad result is, kids are not reading at their grade level anymore, adults don't read any educational literature (gossip magazines do not count), and people on a whole want to escape from their normal lives.

Our minds are slowing starting to experience a regression of intellect. All of our conversations are about "what was on last night" and "what Angelina Jolie was wearing at the Oscars" and "How great of a show Ray J's 'For the Love of Ray J' is". What happen to the conversations about an awe-inspiring book on philosophy? What happen to conversations on a thought provoking book on abortion rights? What happen to conversations about things that pertinent to the growth of our true SELF. If we slowly move away from these conversations, how are we expected to grow as individuals? How?

People are slowly starting to fall into a 'deeper sleep.' Their minds are being filled with media propaganda, envious fantasy lifesytles and the mockeries of the average human all thanks to the good old fashion 'boob tube.'

We have to start taking control of what we feed and nourish our minds. We have to think of our minds as gardens. If you nourish it with proper nutrients and education, we will reap an endless amount of beautiful agriculture. If you feed in garbage and deprive it of intellectual media that would normally nourish the mind, we will reap a harvest filled with weeds: the mind will regress. We have to return to being comfortable with learning about our SELF without the help of television. Patanjali (Yoga Guru) says that the true nature of the human being is the peaceful state of silence.

That is why my television remains off and my books remain open! :o)




  1. Well said! It's so sad the state of the world today that we are quick to watch everyone else's life but so slow, if not totally void, of looking at ourselves. And we are so quick to comment on the state of celebrities, contestants, friends, etc, but could never openly look at ourselves and make a call of judgment. The worst part is, that it only seems to be getting worse, growing deeper and taking over. While there is a notable and amazing movement of consciousness and awareness, there is an even larger movement towards chaos and blame.

    What are we to do? Well...I believe change starts as a ripple starts as a drop of water; small steps. I begin with me-- holding myself accountable for MY life, for MY habits, for MY mind mapping, for MY highs and lows. In the end, the eye of judgment can only fall on oneself, for that is all we truly know.

    With that said, both my mind and my books will also remain wide open! :)

  2. Nicely written. The great thing about this human experience is all the different experiences we're able to have and enjoy no matter what level of consciousness we may currently reside in. It is quite possible for a person to be moving steadily toward enlightenment, delve deeply into their SELF, meditate and be wholly connected to the Source, and then go watch and laugh at American Idol. It is quite easy, for Minds, Books and a TV set to be 'open'. It's all about BALANCE. Yes, there are plenty closed minds that solely live through experiences of others and escapism via television, but there are also several who are conscious, and can strike the necessary balance. Being critical of what someone where's to the Oscars and being critical of someone's tv habits and level of consciousness are one in the same, in my opinion. I'll Keep My Mind, My Books, and My connection to the Source open, And I'll catch Gossip Girl as well.
