Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is Our Society More Divided Than the 'Incomparable' 6000 year old Sumerians?

Sumer was a civilization and historical region located in what is now southern Iraq and southwestern Iran, known as the cradle of civilization.  The Sumerians are credited for creating the worlds first (known) writing systems. They are also credited with creating a complex system of metrology (science of measurement) circa 4000 BCE. This metrology advanced the creation of arithmetic, geometry and algebra. The Sumerians were very serious about there education. It was imperative that a child go through rigorous studies for most of his life until he is capable to bring great wealth to his family.  According to Samuel Noah Kramer (Sumerian Historian), "The Sumerians highly prized wealth and possessions, rich harvests, well-stocked granaries, folds and stalls filled with cattle large and small, successful hunting on the plain and good fishing in the sea."  

In his book, The Sumerians, Kramer states, "...In spite of their lofty ideals and sublime ethics, the chances are that the Sumerians could never have come as far or achieved as much either materially or spiritually, had it not been for one very special psychological drive which motivated much of their behavior and deeply colored their way of life--the ambitious, competitive, aggressive and seemingly far from ethical drive for pre-eminence and prestige for victory and success."  The Sumerians would do anything to attain and maintain their power and hegemony over the land.  However, whereas all Sumerians were united in their struggle, we--here in the 21st Century--are divided in our struggle.  The "Sumerians" of our society are our government officials because we have allowed them to tell us that we are not good enough through various avenues of media.   

The Sumerians stuck together as a people and died together as a people.  Our society is seemingly dying away and no one seems to have any compassion for his fellow man.  We are a very selfish people. We envy one's possessions and do not encourage wealth and success for our fellow free thinking brothers and sisters.  Why do we not have the drive and passions to be wealthy leaders of our society? Why is it that people need to see "change" in the face of Barack Obama in order to figure out that anyone can acquire greatness?  It was never a surprise among Sumerians when his fellow man grew to amazing levels of greatness because many of the people in the society were autodidactic scribes, mathematicians, architects, masons, and astrologists.  They desired knowledge needed to contribute to their proliferation in their society. They created the methods, became learned men and then taught it to their children. 

High School dropout rates are at an all time high in America; the Education system is suffering from a rapid degradation due to the lack of quality teachers and quality students. Where did we go wrong? Where is the Sumerian bloodlines that once coursed through our veins? Have we traded in our age-old, precious yearning and desire for esoteric and precious knowledge in exchange prime-time television and other forms of nonsensical media? 

We are slowly being divided: by our ruling powers and by our very own SELF.  Where is that craving for wealth (health, love and financial)?  Is is only in our taste buds now? 

Sad to say...We may have been conquered as well...



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