Thursday, June 11, 2009


I paid a visit to one of my favorite studios in NYC and bumped to one
of my teachers. We were having a conversation that reminded me of how
important it is to surrender all activities, actions and thoughts to the
(*your word representing divinity here*) in every moment in the days of our lives.

There is a word in yoga that some of you are familiar with called
Niyama. The Niyamas are a set of behaviors and observances set forth
by the eight limb system of Raja Yoga (this being the second limb).
As I think of surrender, there is one of the Niyamas that come to mind
immediately: Isvara Pranidhana (प्रणिधान). Isvara literally translates into
God or Lord or ruler. Prani- basically means to compose or to make;
it could also mean to produce. Dhana- translates to mean giving up
or the act of giving; it could also mean donation. So when we put this
term together, we have "God, Compose, and Giving Up (donation). We can
loosely translate this as "Composing or Producing a donation
(or giving [something] up) to God / Lord / Ruler." When you are are
doing something in the name of (*your word for God*), you are surrendering
all your activities, actions and thoughts to this divine being; you are in
essence 'donating' your actions. In order to give up your actions, you must
rid yourself of them. There cannot be an attachment to them of any sort;
you should be able to give them up as if they were never yours to begin with.
When surrender occurs, the channels of consciousness can be opened.
Once you open your channels to the divine, the divine will open its
channels to you. All becomes possible. How can one open the channels if
you are blocking them with selfish actions? If you are constantly
doing everything for one's own benefit in the physical, material world,
how can one benefit from the non-material, non-physical world?
You cannot 'donate' your actions because you expect some sort
of reward; give them up selflessly as if you were excited to go and
do more work and repeat the process again and again.

The greatest reward here is, being able to surrender. Simply this alone can
prepare you for the union (Yoga). Don't think before you jump
into surrendering...Just do it and everything will follow you and fall in line accordingly.

I wish you all Eternal Bliss.

Shukriya Aur Namaste

Friday, May 8, 2009


The Bhagavad Gita (Sanskrit for Song of God) is a sacred Hindu scripture dating back to about 4000 BC. In this scripture, there is a conversation occurring between Krishna and Arjuna (Arjuna being the disciple, Krishna being the ultimate manifestation of the Lord God). Krishna is advising Arjuna on all of his pertinent questions regarding battle, discipline, self-control, and complete devotion to God. In this particular chapter, Krishna is discussing Self-Control with Arjuna. Some texts have entitled this chapter Self-Control. However, the general consensus agrees that this chapter is on The Practice of Mediation (Dhyana Yoga). According to Krishna, our measured daily intake in life is also a form meditation as a means to maintain balance in our life. Krishna states, “A yogi cannot eat too much or too little. He cannot sleep too much or too little. He must measure everything: eating, sleeping, working, and relaxing. Everything he does should be just right and even.” One would ask, why would Krishna advise Arjuna on balancing his daily life’s regimens. Krishna deems it important that a yogi (one devoted to uniting with God through the eight-limb system) must have a balanced life in every way possible in order to quiet the mind and free it from desires and attachments. If the mind is continually concerned with getting the right amount of sleep, food, or anything else, how can one be training the mind to unite with God? Yoga is only possible when the mind is trained upon God with complete and unadulterated devotion. If the devotion is on figuring out how to balance our life, we are not yet ready to unite with God. This is why throughout the chapter, Krishna insists on the yogi steadying his mind and fixing it on God alone. Krishna further states to Arjuna, “When the yogi, by practice of yoga, disciplines his mental activities and becomes situated in transcendence—devoid of all material desires—he is said to be well established in yoga.” Krishna is hoping for Arjuna to transcend all levels of desire. He especially wants him to not worry about causing imbalances in his own life; for these imbalances move him further away from the union with God (goal of Yoga).

It is important that we recognize the importance of situating our lives in alignment with the divine. Once we have found this alignment, it will be easier to practice yoga as a means to quiet mind for the practice of Dhyana. The ultimate reason why we practice yoga is to reach the final seat of meditation (asana) through self-control of the mind. The mind must be free of all binds and unfettered from the interfering qualms of life such as getting enough sleep. Once the life balance has been achieved, it is our job to maintain this balance. All aspects of life are balanced: sunrise, sunset, oxygen /carbon dioxide transmission to and from plants, birth, death, organization of the universe, love and hate, and the list goes on. We must root a similar balance into our lives with an even measurement. The sun will not rise a little bit later than usual because he wants to give more sun to India. It is apart of the universal order that he will rise and set around the same time everyday, everywhere in the world. Like the sun, self-control of our Self should be mandatory. As Krishna is devoted to guiding Arjuna, we should be devoted to guiding our true self; and to be established in self-control of the mind one can move towards achieving the goal of yoga—a united divinity with the Lord.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Please enjoy the wonderful words of my Guru Paramahamsa Swamiji Nithyananda.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Patanjali’s second sutra in the Samadhi Pada is, “YOGA’S CITTA VRTTI NIRODHAH.” This literally translates into, ‘The restraint of the modifications of the mind-stuff is Yoga.’ Yoga is the union with the divine or supreme element(s) of consciousness. In order for us to move closer to this goal of Yoga, we must continually attempt to ‘let go’ of our attachments. We start to let go of these attachments by restraining (or controlling) the mind and it’s desires. Patanjali deems this sutra of the most importance because the rest of the sutras are literally instructions as to how to make steps towards ridding our mind of desires and eventually restraining and controlling the mind stuff. Patanjali attempts to reinforce his point in the fifteenth sutra stating, “DRSTANUSRAVIKA VISAYA VITRSNASYA VASIKARA SAMJNA VAIRAGYAM.” The translation here is ‘The consciousness of self-mastery in one who is free from craving from objects seen or heard about is non-attachment.’ We must be aware of the types of media and material things that we invite into our lives. These things have the potential to act adversely towards our movement in the direction of the ultimate union with the divine consciousness (the goal of Yoga). The more we attach ourselves to ‘things,’ the harder it is going to be to free our mind of desires and slow down our ‘thoughts per second’. If we all want to become Jivanmukta, we have to disable our instinct to want and crave things. Anxiety is created in our minds and hearts when we hear of disturbing news or engage our energy in fear-inducing media. When the mind is free from cravings and desires, there is Nityananda (eternal bliss). Every desire has the potential to keep you in bondage; even the desire for ultimate liberation is a form of bondage in and of itself. Mental slavery is worse than physical slavery. If we are mentally bound to any particular ‘thing’ or ‘idea’ (or personage) in this material world of maya (illusion), we cannot have liberation. Therefore, our minds will not be able to have Yoga.

In order for us to experience this union with the divine, we must be able to not only purify the mind of the samskaras (impressions), but we also must be able to deal with the pains that accompany these process of Sodhana. In the Sadhana Pada—focusing on the second stura—Patanjali states, “TAPAH SVADHYAYESVARA PRANIDHANANI KRIYA YOGAH.” This translates as, ‘Accepting pain as help for purification, study of spiritual books, and surrender to the Supreme Being constitute Yoga in practice.’ We must look at the pains in our life as the burning off the old impressions on our unconscious mind. In order to foster the mind and move the entire Self towards the union with the divine, we must practice ridding the body, mind and the consciousness of these pains. This is the process of purification. In today’s Western society, it is very hard for people to break away from the attachments to material things that have helped to proliferate the society itself (technology and media for example). Because we have formed attachments in our lives, we have broken our original union with the divine. We have been “banished from the garden of Eden” (utopian paradise) and we have lost the connection with the source. The work that is needed to move back towards this union can only happen when we begin to first purify our samskaras. This will only happen when there is a devotional, quotidian practice that has been established through experience (acquiring external wisdom and applying it to the innate, internal wisdom) and accepting the pains and the purification of them. We must replace the old impressions with new ones by digesting the knowledge of spiritual books (intended for your understading) and surrendering all the fruits of our actions to the divine deep within us. This practice of burning the old impressions, accepting the purification and replacing the ‘old fruits’ with new ones is the devotional practice we need in order to transcend the mind-stuff and move towards the union with the divine; this is what is needed in order to experience Yoga.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Please watch with an open mind...
Please post all your thoughts on these videos.

Guruji Swami Shree Yogi Satyam, Kriyayoga Master & Scientist, is founder and president of Kriyayoga Research Institute . Under the guidance of His Gurus - Shree Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasayaji and Swami Shree Yukteshwarji, Guruji has been teaching the ancient and ever-new Kriyayoga Science. He graduated in biological sciences then entered into medical school. Within two years of his medical training, he realized the truth that Kriyayoga is the highest medical science. It is able to solve not only illness and sickness of body and mind, but makes a person perfect to achieve success in all walks of life and at the end brings the realization that each and every creation of The Cosmos is immortal, potentially vast and infinite. Now, the life mission of Guruji is to spread Kriyayoga Meditation in all homes of the world.

He Speaks About the Garden of Eden Here. Very interesting stuff.

Thanks so much!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


According to Holy Bible (KJV), Luke 17:20-21, Jesus is quoted saying, "The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! For, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you."

The Kingdom of God has many interpretations. Some interpret this 'Kingdom' as the words or teachings of God. Others have interpreted this Kingdom as something that 'we' will receive in the future. Others have gone as far as to interpret God's Kingdom as a place in heaven; so if we follow his teachings we shall receive God's Kingdom into our life eternally. There are people that think that if they are able to create a 'material kingdom' it is the power of God that has allowed them to be in power. Many kings throughout many ancient civilizations have believed this and preached these words to their people.

However, I think we should consider a slightly different interpretation of Jesus' words. It is commonly understood that the stories in the Bible are parables. These stories were written as parables for two reasons: (1) So that people would better understand spiritual teachings and lessons and (2) To keep certain knowledge known only to scribes (the most educated people during that time period) sacred and esoteric. Many people during that time were uneducated and would not have understood what certain aspects of the Bible were explaining.

Jesus has said that the Kingdom of God will not come with observation; we will NEVER see this Kingdom and no one should tell us to look for it anywhere. So if the Kingdom of God is WITHIN us, what exactly IS this kingdom? If it is not a place, then maybe it is the words and teachings of God? I don't think, it is ONLY the teachings and words of God. I believe it is also the POWER and nature of Godliness that resides within us. It is our union of the mind with the SELF (GOD).

If you look at Luke 11:17-20, Jesus says, "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation...If Satan also be divided against himself, how shall his kingdom stand? But If I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you." I think what Jesus is trying to tell us is that this 'Kingdom' is our true SELF! YES. Our true SELF is the Kingdom of God. Any kingdom divided against itself will fall! This is a parable that is saying that any person divided among himself will lose his SELF: desolation. Satan's Kingdom (Godliness) will fall if he is not ONE with his SELF. Satan's kingdom will not fall because he (evil energy) is always one with it SELF. Jesus goes on to tell us that he and us are one and the same. Jesus is just as average as any man or woman. This is why he says that if he with the finger of God has casted out devils, we are cable of this "power" as well: "No Doubt the Kingdom of God is come upon you." According to Jesus, it is without a doubt in his mind that if he has this power to cast out devils we should have that power and then some!

So what am I getting at? The word "KINGDOM" may have been misinterpreted. The esoteric meaning of the word Kingdom is the perfections of God, the words & teachings of God, and the powers of God. So if this is the true meaning of God, was Jesus trying to tell us that not only is the Kingdom of God within us, but that we are manifestations of God? If we are manifestations of God, are we in theory GOD in human form? In the Book of John chapter 14, Jesus states, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father..." Jesus says this because he is trying to tell us that we are just as great as he and can be even more great. That is why there have been many people that have walked the earth that have been prophets, great teachers or gurus, performed miracles, healed people, expressed powers of all sorts. However, understanding this, it is not about having "Powers," it is about knowing that you, GOD and JESUS are one and the same!

The Kingdom has come to you as it has come to Jesus and it will come to many others to come.



Thursday, February 19, 2009

Is Our Society More Divided Than the 'Incomparable' 6000 year old Sumerians?

Sumer was a civilization and historical region located in what is now southern Iraq and southwestern Iran, known as the cradle of civilization.  The Sumerians are credited for creating the worlds first (known) writing systems. They are also credited with creating a complex system of metrology (science of measurement) circa 4000 BCE. This metrology advanced the creation of arithmetic, geometry and algebra. The Sumerians were very serious about there education. It was imperative that a child go through rigorous studies for most of his life until he is capable to bring great wealth to his family.  According to Samuel Noah Kramer (Sumerian Historian), "The Sumerians highly prized wealth and possessions, rich harvests, well-stocked granaries, folds and stalls filled with cattle large and small, successful hunting on the plain and good fishing in the sea."  

In his book, The Sumerians, Kramer states, "...In spite of their lofty ideals and sublime ethics, the chances are that the Sumerians could never have come as far or achieved as much either materially or spiritually, had it not been for one very special psychological drive which motivated much of their behavior and deeply colored their way of life--the ambitious, competitive, aggressive and seemingly far from ethical drive for pre-eminence and prestige for victory and success."  The Sumerians would do anything to attain and maintain their power and hegemony over the land.  However, whereas all Sumerians were united in their struggle, we--here in the 21st Century--are divided in our struggle.  The "Sumerians" of our society are our government officials because we have allowed them to tell us that we are not good enough through various avenues of media.   

The Sumerians stuck together as a people and died together as a people.  Our society is seemingly dying away and no one seems to have any compassion for his fellow man.  We are a very selfish people. We envy one's possessions and do not encourage wealth and success for our fellow free thinking brothers and sisters.  Why do we not have the drive and passions to be wealthy leaders of our society? Why is it that people need to see "change" in the face of Barack Obama in order to figure out that anyone can acquire greatness?  It was never a surprise among Sumerians when his fellow man grew to amazing levels of greatness because many of the people in the society were autodidactic scribes, mathematicians, architects, masons, and astrologists.  They desired knowledge needed to contribute to their proliferation in their society. They created the methods, became learned men and then taught it to their children. 

High School dropout rates are at an all time high in America; the Education system is suffering from a rapid degradation due to the lack of quality teachers and quality students. Where did we go wrong? Where is the Sumerian bloodlines that once coursed through our veins? Have we traded in our age-old, precious yearning and desire for esoteric and precious knowledge in exchange prime-time television and other forms of nonsensical media? 

We are slowly being divided: by our ruling powers and by our very own SELF.  Where is that craving for wealth (health, love and financial)?  Is is only in our taste buds now? 

Sad to say...We may have been conquered as well...



Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Television Ruining Minds, One at a Time

When you are laughing hysterically while watching a show, do you ever stop to think about how the content may be affecting your sub-conscious?

When you are watching a dramatic show, do you ever stop think why you 'break your neck' to rush home and watch the show?

Most of us don't consider these things. I didn't for a very long time. If something was funny, it was just plain FUNNY. If the show was a dramatic and suspenseful show about 'how cool criminal investigators' are, I was on the edge of my seat.

According USA Today, Each household has about 2.7 televisions; and the average American watches TV about 4.5 Hours a day. (

This poll was taken back in 2006; so this could be about 3 televisions now and up to 5.5 hours per day. However, the questions remain: What are people watching? Is it enlightening? Is it inspirational? Does it make you want to be a better person? Does it make you feel better about your life? Do you "Love to Hate" certain characters on the show? Does it make us forget about our unsatisfying lives by drawing us into a fantasy land?

American Idol is one of the top rated shows on TV. It is fun, entertaining, nerve-racking, engaging, funny and good for giving us a good laugh: it touches on a lot of the human emotions.
However, I think that shows like this prevent us from looking truly looking deeply within ourselves. One of the many reason people love this show is because is shows how real people have the ability to become an "overnight celebrity sensation." For many of us, that is such a
relatable factor. However, as we dedicate time--every night--to watch this show, we take away time from learning about our true SELF. We are so busy analyzing, judging, criticizing, applauding and praising these entertainers that we are never really able to truly look within ourselves.

A great, modern day philosopher and cognitive scientist Ron McClamrock says that he 'excuses mankind for not looking within himself. Mankind's condition of "being-in-the-world" makes it impossible for him to understand himself by abstracting away from it(society) and examining it as if it were a detached experimental object of which he himself is not an integral part.'

We are so busy analyzing our society, our environment, our television shows, and everyone else that we forget (unconsciously) to incorporate our SELF. We analyze everything with our true SELF completely withdrawn. Then the question becomes, what happens to our true SELF? Does our society prevent us from acknowledging our SELF so much that we never really get to know our true SELF? What really happens to our true SELF? "Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore--And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over--like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load...Or does it explode?" (From Langston Hughes "A Dream Deferred")

Our true SELF becomes so far removed that we start to enjoy and laugh at people that make a fool of themselves on these shows ("I Love Money" "Flavor of Love" "American Idol"). Why are we making fun? Why are we laughing at our fellow man? Is it because we look at them and then look at our lives as "not as bad"? Does our EGO make us feel better about ourselves after watching these programs? Whatever the reason may be, it is preventing us from using the mind the way it was intended to use. Instead we use 10% of our brain to indulge is senseless programming in order to humor ourselves. And the sad result is, kids are not reading at their grade level anymore, adults don't read any educational literature (gossip magazines do not count), and people on a whole want to escape from their normal lives.

Our minds are slowing starting to experience a regression of intellect. All of our conversations are about "what was on last night" and "what Angelina Jolie was wearing at the Oscars" and "How great of a show Ray J's 'For the Love of Ray J' is". What happen to the conversations about an awe-inspiring book on philosophy? What happen to conversations on a thought provoking book on abortion rights? What happen to conversations about things that pertinent to the growth of our true SELF. If we slowly move away from these conversations, how are we expected to grow as individuals? How?

People are slowly starting to fall into a 'deeper sleep.' Their minds are being filled with media propaganda, envious fantasy lifesytles and the mockeries of the average human all thanks to the good old fashion 'boob tube.'

We have to start taking control of what we feed and nourish our minds. We have to think of our minds as gardens. If you nourish it with proper nutrients and education, we will reap an endless amount of beautiful agriculture. If you feed in garbage and deprive it of intellectual media that would normally nourish the mind, we will reap a harvest filled with weeds: the mind will regress. We have to return to being comfortable with learning about our SELF without the help of television. Patanjali (Yoga Guru) says that the true nature of the human being is the peaceful state of silence.

That is why my television remains off and my books remain open! :o)



Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Truth Will Reveal Itself To You

The truth about anything will reveal itself to you. In this universe, if something is real, you will feel it. If something is truth, you will believe it beyond a shadow of a doubt: and no one can steer you away from your opinion. It wouldn't even be worth arguing because you are so convicted that it is truth.

So you ask, where do we get this feeling from?

Our intuition, our gut, our Manipura Chakra, our core, our solar center...however you may refer to is very calm, relaxed, and free of tension when we think about something we know to be truth. There is no uneasiness or nervous feeling. There is just a strong, powerful feeling of confidence in this truth. You never question it and you don't have to.

"Is God Real?" "Should I buy that House?" "Should I marry that man?" "Am I really in Love?" "Can I trust my leader or guru?" "Am I making the right decision?" "Do I really love this job?"

If you ever have to ask yourself any questions akin to the aforementioned ones, there is no truth resonating within you regarding these things. These sorts of questions will never arise when you know that truth rests behind them. It will not even be a thought! It just IS! There is no doubt behind it. The power of intuition is very real. So when you are questioning yourself deep within, that feeling of doubt festering like a sore is because your inner space is telling you that TRUTH is up for debate.

The truth about anything cannot be sold on a "gold platter."

In your eyes, Truth is either real or questionable, but never both.

"If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things..."
~Rene Descartes

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Does the Bible Speak About The 3rd Eye?

According to the book of Matthew 6:22-23 (of the New Testament), Jesus states:

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"

I think it is very interesting that Jesus talks about the eye of the body being "single." The sensory perception of light plays a central role in spirituality and the presence of light as opposed to its absence (darkness) is a common Western metaphor of good and evil, knowledge and ignorance, and similar concepts. Many Buddhist and Hindus believe that the third eye is strongly associated with a "showering light" that comes into the inner space. With that said, the light of the third eye is said to be used for either good or evil once it is opened (or single). And according to the chapter of Matthew, the darkness will be very great!

I immediately think about Adolf Hitler. It is said that Hitler was an enlightened being. He was a practicing yogi at that time and was hell bent on harnessing power and holding a great hegemony over humankind; and for a short while he was successful! Was Hitler the type of darkness that Jesus spoke about? Was his third eye "wide open" to the "light of darkness" that Jesus spoke of?

I think we as humans are all able to harness this power--on whatever level we choose to--once the "single eye" is filled with light! Jesus knew this because he too (if he indeed walked the earth) was "filled with light." And if Jesus did not walk the earth, the scribes of this age did truly understand this .

What other interpretations could there be for these words of this great prophet?